Interested in STEM education?
Oak Hills Destination Imagination
DI is an after-school club and a PTO program open to ALL students, K-5.
We form teams (meeting days are flexible), practice skills throughout the year and compete in team challenges in the spring in these categories: scientific, engineering, fine arts, technical, improv, service learning or Rising Stars for K-2.
Students strategize, collaborate, create, build, perform, problem-solve and showcase their talents to other DI teams at the regional/state/national and international level!
Information Night is held in September
Most teams form and begin meeting in November
If you would like to start a team and have a volunteer adult willing to be trained and manage a team. Teams can start as late as December, but it gets harder the later you start. Just contact the DI Coordinator to sign up for this year

Questions? Learn more & stay in the loop:
- Email The Destination Imagination Coordinator at
- Check out our Facebook page: “Oak Hills Destination Imagination”
- Check out to find out more about it
- Check out for a list of this year’s team challenges