October 2012 PTO Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2011–Pending Approval
Present Members: Cyndie Pelto, Jason T., Deanna Middleton, Audrey Schaab, Kris Hines, Ruann Donnelly, Sandy Gingell, Angie Karim, Debbie Chinn, Jennifer Yamashiro, Nancy Korf, Amy Hoffert
1. 7:04-Call to Order with Introductions and Agendas handed out
- Principal’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Request For Funds
- Website
- Directory Status
- OMSI in the classroom
- Bike/Walk to school Follow up
- Innisbrook Fundraiser
- Green School
- Turkey Trot
- Building Sign
- Art Literacy Update
2. Principal’s Report—Per email due to Mrs. Hagseth being ill. Please Thank Everyone for me who assisted and participated in international Walk/Ride your bike to School Day. Please mention how successful it was. Next year the event will probably be even larger. The bike racks out front are still getting a lot of use. Eventually I will submit a Capital Improvement Request and have a pad of concrete poured and the racks properly mounted. Conferences are being scheduled at tomorrow’s staff meeting. This allows us to ensure sibling conferences are back to back. Slips will go home Friday or before.
Neon Day is the 21st.
Portable 7 has been cleaned out and storage items have been sent to the district warehouse. The Art Lit folks will be moving their supplies into the portable and can use the space for teaching lessons. However, teachers may use it for their small group instruction with IA’s. Originally, why is why we cleaned it to give us more space for small groups. Art Lit may need some shelving as the shelving I purchased last year is for the kiln room and must remain there.
We could use help with someone organizing the PTO shelf as some things may need to be discarded.
Several teachers have signed up for phone calling and canvassing for the levy. We could use some parents to canvas or help make calls. Please contact Caryn Dennis, Leslie Burnett, for dates and times or Kimberly Ogadhoh and Suzi Beech. At many schools individual parents have been assisting with this, and some PTO’s depending on their By Laws. According to Maureen Wheeler, if the By Laws don’t allow for PTO to collectively support the levy, PTO members can individually assist with the levy if they wish as a parent of BSD.
3. Innisbrook –via email—Anne Bryan is going to close the sale in two weeks.
4. Website—Jason T. needs a 5013C for the free website. Then the first 3 months are free and then $20/ month from then out. They will also be changing the domain name to .org for $10 this year. This will allow all chairs to post for all parents and have lists to subscribe to for parents. This will also help with the directory. They will also be using word press to make it reader friendly. May parents mentioned using RFF to pay the fees needed.
5. OMSI– There was a $35 change, but we have some wiggle room in other areas to take that from.
6. Art Literacy—They received a new computer due to the BEF Grant and the Eric Carle project will be going up soon!
7. Directory Status—Lynn Asbury sent the kid’s names from On the Move and the names and classes and grades are set. Jennifer Yamashiro’s mom will be helping with the database and then a mock copy will be presented for parents to initial for accuracy.
8. Treasurer’s Report—See Attached Budget. Note that we got $250 in the general fund.
9. Eco School Committee—See attached information-per Audrey Schaab
10. Science Fair—Deanna Middleton reported that there will be a meeting this Wednesday and the Science Fair will take place on March 6.
11. Building Sign- Parents have been requesting a building sign to give information regarding upcoming events. Members wanted to get more information regarding rules, CC &R’s and whether to go electronic or not.
12. Turkey Trot—There is a new sponsor this year. Summit Financial will be sponsoring the event which helps with costs. Turkey Trot has grown a ton the past years due to press in Run Oregon. There will be no prior registration this year and all will be done the day of.
13. RFF-RFF forms will go out in the staff boxes tomorrow. They will be due next Monday. We usually spend 2/3 in the fall and 1/3 in the last quarter. It really depends on what all has been asked for.
14. Box Tops—Kris Hines needs $ for contests. She needed to know where to get that. Nancy responded that the $ comes out of the Box Tops proceeds.
15. Champions—Debbie Chinn reported that she can donate for raffles. They have donated water and prizes in the past.
16. Gift Cards- Amy Hoffert mentioned that sales are down about $400 from last year at this point.