June 2012 PTO Meeting Minutes


June – 2012 – Oak Hills PTO Minutes — Pending Approval

1. Budget:

We took OMSI off for a new science curriculum we will run as parents. We did keep all funding for specialists and supply needs in those areas for next year, even with the budget cuts across the district. The Scrip, Rock Creek Corner, and Papa’s Pizza checks will still come in this month. The price of didgeridoos went up this year so we need to raise that for next year. For recess equipment for inclement weather we will be purchasing 2 Wii’s. They may also be used for class parties.

2. On the Move:

We may or may not receive the grant that we applied for. We should know in July or August.

3. Coffee Service:

We need to find a better coffee service for next year. Our current service is too expensive.

4. Email System:

We are still working on an email system where you can opt in to lists for the next school year.

5. The Budget was approved for 2012-13

6. PTO Board for 2012-13:

The Board for Next year will appear as follows:

President: Jennifer Yamashiro
Vice-President: Cyndie Pelto
Secretary: Sandy Gingell
Treasurer: Will Gingell & Angie Karim
Volunteer Coordinator: Need Someone

The Board was approved for 2012-13

Field Day:

This will be taking place rain or shine and many volunteers are signed up to help.


This event made $14,200. More money is still coming in. It was a huge success!


Some families feel a Fall Jog-A-Thon is too soon. Some have interest in a write-a-check campaign. Only 37 people have completed the survey so far. Do we still want a per lap pledging?

Principal Report:

Cheryl Hagseth reported that there will be changes to the staffing this summer.


We will be looking into a gif giving software for next year that Bonne Slope used for their Jog-A-Thon this year. It has a $500 set up fee. It is called First Giving.

Our next meeting will be at 9:30 at the Oak Hills Pool, on August 13. There will be snacks!