March 2014 PTO Meeting Minutes
Science Fair
Monday April 7th 231 participants registered so far. All but 5 paid. Ordered boards, have about 100 left over. T-shirt order will be placed. Group liked the color t-shirts, so they will not get ribbons this year. Science Fair is coming in under budget. Still looking for about 15 more reviewers. Contact Ezra Richards. 4th grade fundraiser will sell concessions. School will be open on Friday for board drop off. Most will be dropped off on Monday morning, might need volunteers. Thursday April 3rd board drop off (due to no school), or Friday 10-noon.
Principal Update
Kudos to Jenn and musical team. Super proud of kids and work by everyone. Cat in Hat, Dr. Seuss Day, kudos to Joni Busche for reading to each class. Kindy orientation is set up, and computer lab will be set up for parents to do volunteer background check. Bond information is coming out, not quote on undercover area because it looks like it might be in the bond. Conference schedules will be coming out. Cheryl will post about the PTO board openings. NO March bike and walk to school day. We will do it in May which is national day. Working on $1,000 grant that will fund Art supplies and art night. We have enough registrations for full day kindy. 28 students in the class. Lottery for positions. 8 slots for open enrollment.
Budget is up to date, except for a few deposits. RFF has been paid out except for the one we are holding for 4th grade.
Spots open for staff who are able and willing to come help. Most of our jobs are filled, thank you volunteers! Sandy is working on publicity. We would like to get it on the sign out front of the school. We have a few raffle items that we can post on FB. Trying to get a hotel at the beach, restaurants, etc. for a few prize baskets. Cheryl will do 2 principals for a day. Looking to see if any grade levels are doing baskets to raise money for various activities (grade levels). Auction/BINGO job is open and can be posted for people to step up and help! BINGO cards are owned by Oak Hills PTO now! Family pack available and we can use Credit Cards.
5th grade celebration
Theme is carnival “Blast off to Middle School”, DJ and photo booth booked, rec center booked, breakfast is Monday, Field day is Tuesday, Wednesday is celebration and bowling day. Borrowing carnival games from other schools. 5th grade popcorn sales have been super successful, and will be wrapping up before Spring Break.
4th Grade Field Trip Fundraising
Spirit cup sales were not as successful; Krispy Kreme was great, going to pick up popcorn sales after spring break. Cost of field trip is $60 per student. Goal is for families to pay $20 per student, so 4th grade has some fundraising to do. Looking to add a DNO just for 4th grade, or other possible fundraising ideas. Looking to see if other families are willing to pay for scholarships. Whole foods is looking for another partner for a Mother’s Day fundraiser.
Musical Update
The Musical went great! Nearly 1,000 attendance. Sound system order fell thru. But it works out for the best, because we can now do some research and get a better system. Everything run by students. 65 students participated. Entirely student run, with help from some amazing professionals. Thanks to staff that went above and beyond to make this a huge success! Already making plans for next year.
Position is open next year.
Spring Conferences
Need a coordinator for conference meals.
Parent Group Leaders Meeting Recap
Kristin attended meeting at district for parent group leaders, discussed issues, how things are going, volunteer needs, how to keep people motivated, etc. Lots of questions about background checks. New families are getting background checks. Do not do rechecks every few years, etc.
Art Night
Thursday, June 5th. $1,100 left in art lit budget mid-way thru year. Ceramics budget is separate.
Battle of the Books
OBOB is NOT on some kind of “chopping block”. This, like many programs at OH is parent volunteer led, and need some volunteers to help it continue. OBOB was a huge success, and the kids LOVED it.
PTO Positions Open for Next Year
- CoPresident (shadowing Kristin)
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Co-Treasurer (shadowing Will)
- Scrip Co-Coordinator
- DNO Coordinator
- Volunteer Coordinator (shadow with Sherry)
- Box Tops
- Jog-A-Thon Co-Chairs (2)
Upcoming Events Reminders – Michelle
- DNO at Pizzacato
- Kindy Orientation (Thursday 3/6 4-5:30)
- BINGO Night, Thursday 3/13
- No School Monday 3/10 and Friday 3/14
- Spring Break 3/24-3/28
- Dave Matthews will be here next month to discuss the Bond Measure.
Tammy’s last day will be May 1st.