October 2013 PTO Meeting Minutes
2:45 – 3:45 p.m. Oak Hills Library
Principal Update: Cheryl Hagseth:
- Invitation to join BSD partnership kick off, see Cheryl Hagseth if interested.
- Parent Report Card Info night, 12 parents in attendance, Polly Selby and Chris Amorose presented, another presentation during conference week in the cafeteria
- Tomorrow night, Oct. 15, TAG night presentation. Will address SUMMA, and options schools, answer any other questions
Treasurer Update:
- Budget passed out.
- Will needs to know teachers and number of students per class, needed for party budget.
- Fundraisers for year have come in.
- Find out what scrip made last year.
- Want to create breakdown per student of what we spend PTO $ on.
- Put together list of potential projects, possibly Google Doc.
- Readerboard sign info: Jennifer Yamashiro, money left over from past three years. Extra $ needed to spend on a gift to the school (legacy) that reaches the community in another way. OH HOA was a part of the design plans, etc. Going with Fast Signs to construct the sign, they won the bid from the district. Need to take a vote for spending the money on the project. Motion approved (with one opposed) to spend money on the sign.
Jog-A-Thon Update/Recap, Cyndie Pelto:
- Thank you to the staff for supporting JAT and all the classroom interruptions
- Thank you to the tremendous volunteer support who made the day a huge success
- Right now, we are still looking for a few raffle prizes.
- Winners announced Friday, Oct. 18th
- Brought in just over $25,000. Lots of company match forms turned in.
Bike and Walk to School Recap:
- Wednesday, October 9th
- Frustration over Bethany construction and Wash Co not closing the street. Safety concerns overrule the event of the day.
- Spring Bike and Walk to School Day, will depend on the construction status.
- Had 225 students participate (down from 350-375 in the past).
- Need to have more adult volunteers helping with crowd control/passing out prizes, etc. Possible to have Bike and Walk to School Day committee chair? 7:30-8:30am
- Need to look into obtaining more prizes for ALL students (including bus riders). Possibly supplement the prizes?
- Not March 19th, moving the date back.
Battle of the Books:
- Back this year! Thank you to Ms. Caplan. PTO spent money supporting BOB/purchasing books on the list.
- Certified Staff needs to back the program. Parents are willing to help support it.
- Cheryl: OBOB, teams of 4-5 students, Teachers helped form groups. Begins in January. Form went home to all 3-5 grade students for interest/permission. Will meet at lunch recess in library. Will schedule once we find out how many students/teams per grade level.
- Ms. Caplan – Handed out bookmarks and note taking books for each book to interested students. Building excitement!!!
- Using the Oregon BOB program (statewide)
Request for Funds (RFF):
- Meeting 10/21 at 2:45pm
- Teachers need to have RFFs turned in by this Friday
Dinner Night Out:
- Buffalo Wild Wings give 15% ALL DAY, need Flyer
- Next Month is Spaghetti Factory
- Gift Cards are in the GC box
- Spirit Day and Sock Hop –
- October 25th 6-8pm
- Food Vendor, Bro Dogs
- Food starts at 6pm, dancing starts at 6:30pm
- Certain 50s Dances taught in PE
- Spirit Day, dress in 50s attire
- Admission is a pair of NEW socks for the Beaverton Clothes Closet
- 5th Grade celebration will do concession sales (popcorn, soda, snacks)
- FAMILY EVENT, not parents night out.
Conference Meals – Rachel Pines:
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
- Google Doc is available to sign up for meals
- Tuesday and Wednesday Dinner, Thursday Lunch
Volunteer or Committee Updates:
Movie Night – Monsters University, November 22nd
Parent Questions, concern, feedback:
- Popcorn Sales , once a month, 5th Grade celebration fundraiser
- Co-Chair for Field Day
- Music Class in the classroom/music appreciation, need volunteers for classrooms, see Rachel Pines, Training Session in Art Lit portable
- Turkey Trot – new website, please sign up.
Next meeting November 18th, 7:00 pm